National Consultant - Software Development Specialist for MIS system for Teacher Development


Parent Sector : Education Unit, UNESCO Phnom Penh Office

Duty Station: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Type of contract : Non-staff

Duration of contract : 10 months, tentatively April 2025 to February 2026

Recruitment open to : Cambodian nationals only

Application Deadline (Cambodia Time) : 28 March 2025


UNESCO Core Values: Commitment to the Organization, Integrity, Respect for Diversity, Professionalism



I.    Background
Following the success of the first phase of Strengthening Teacher Education Programmes in Cambodia (STEPCam), UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is implementing STEPCam Phase II through $12.62 million System Transformation Grant (STG) financed by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

Building on the achievements of STEPCam Phase I, the programme retains a strong focus on enhancing the quality of education in Cambodia towards its ultimate objective of improving the learning outcomes of students. The programme aims to achieve its objectives through four components: 
Component 1: Teacher Education, which focuses on strengthening pre-service teacher education to cultivate teaching excellence
Component 2: Teacher professional development, through strengthening continuous professional development
Component 3: Classroom Learning, which aims at building capacity for effective early grade teaching and learning
Component 4: Digital Transformation in Education, focusing on building institutional readiness for the effective use of digital strategies in education delivery in Cambodia
Interventions under Component 2 (C2) support the growth and expansion of a robust continuous professional development (CPD) system that can be equitably deployed nationwide to match teacher professional development needs with quality learning opportunities. The national CPD system rollout has commenced and engages selected teachers from target schools in CPD activities from 2024-2026. Other support further develops and implements the MoEYS’ CPD Management Information System (CPDMIS) system and Teacher Career Pathway (TCP) as a model of an integrated human resource management system to engage educators in good quality, needs-based CPD as a key element of the professionalisation of the teaching force, leading to recruitment and retention of competent educators with the necessary level of skills, commitment and motivation to impact positively on teaching and learning, including on student learning outcomes.

II.    Scope of the assignment 

Under the overall authority of the UNESCO Representative and supervision of the Chief of Education Unit, the Individual Consultant will work under the direct supervision of the STEPCam Programme Manager and in close collaboration with the National Project Officer to provide technical support for expansion and nationwide rollout of the CPDMIS linked to the Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS) of the MoEYS. The CPDMIS will support the development, implementation, and management of the CPD and TCP systems under Component 2. 

Long Description

The Individual Consultant will work closely with a senior international data specialist and other consultants who assist MoEYS in further developing and rolling out the CPD system. The Individual Consultant will work in close consultation and collaboration with the relevant technical departments of the MoEYS, UNESCO and other Development Partners supporting HRMIS, CPD, and other MIS in Cambodia.  
The lead department for Component 2 is the Teacher Development Department (TDD) of the Directorate General of Teacher Education and Development; however, strong and direct engagement of other national stakeholders is foreseen for successful achievement of the expected outcomes. 
III.    Specific Tasks
Specific tasks include but will not be limited to the following:
1.    Lead the software development, in coordination with the senior international data specialist, TDD, Human Resource Department, and other technical departments as necessary, for the CPDMIS linked to the HRMIS of the MoEYS to support expansion, implementation and management of the CPD system and pilot of the TCP system: 
1.1    Review and update the CPDMIS’ expansion criteria, standards, workplan, data classification, reporting functions, and software programmes to ensure they are in line with the CPD and TCP implementation plans, the MoEYS standards, and processes for integration of the MIS systems; 
1.2    Develop software, working in close collaboration with the MoEYS team in charge, to expand the CPDMIS/CPD website and mobile application (hereafter, HRCPD) in line with the CPD and TCP system implementation plans, including the planned development of mechanisms for Recognition of Prior Learning and accreditation system for self-directed CPD; improve the CPD website interface, establish user rights for different users and ensure that all relevant updates to the CPD website are also reflected in the HRCPD for both the iOS and Android operating systems.
1.3    Provide capacity building, technical documents and source codes to the MoEYS team, aiming to prepare them for complete ownership and transfer of the software/system developed and enhanced; the capacity building shall prepare the MoEYS team to independently troubleshoot bugs and technical issues, maintain the operationality of the CPDMIS/CPD website and HRCPD, and undertake small-scale system enhancement;
1.4    Regularly monitor operations of the CPDMIS/CPD website and HRCPD, ensuring that they are fully functional and troubleshoot any issues in a timely manner;
1.5    Assist MoEYS staff in planning and further rolling out the CPDMIS and HRCPD;
1.6    Support MoEYS in preparing a workshop for consultation of the newly developed functions for the CPDMIS and HRCPD;
1.7    Provide advice and support towards the development of training material packages relevant to the CPDMIS and HRCPD for capacity building of MoEYS officials at the national, provincial, district and school levels;
1.8    Assist MoEYS to install and upgrade the application on their web server or cloud services, as may be applicable, ensuring the CPDMIS system security and data privacy;
1.9    Provide quality assurance for the software development in line with the MoEYS’ strategies and priorities, in close consultation with UNESCO Cambodia and other relevant Development Partners supporting the MoEYS for MIS integration.
1.10    Communicate closely with the MoEYS team, including providing brief weekly progress updates on the software development, testing and operations
1.11    Update system documents to reflect latest system developments ensuring new functions and features of the system are updated for different users.

Long Description

2.    General Support
2.1    Provide technical advice to the STEPCam team on CPDMIS, CPD website, and HRCPD mobile application as required.
2.2    Participate in weekly review and work-planning meetings with the STEPCam team as required.
2.3    Provide support to the STEPCam programme in preparing presentations and reports as required; 
2.4    Support any upcoming tasks in the fields of MIS, CPD, and TCP that might arise during the assignment in agreement with UNESCO;
2.5    Provide technical advice to STEPCam’s efforts in supporting MoEYS to integrate its MIS systems. 

IV.    Deliverables 
The following deliverables are expected in line with the specific tasks outlined above:
1.    Deliverable 1: By 5 May 2025
1.1    Review of the HRMIS, CPDMIS, CDP, and PLP systems conducted and report submitted detailing technical advice and recommendations (up to a maximum of 10 pages, excluding annexes) on additional enhancement work in line with MoEYS requirements, standards and processes – including hardware specifications and capacity, software, dashboard, web and mobile applications and additional functions – to support the expansion of the CPDMIS and HRCPD mobile application
2.    Deliverable 2: By 5 June 2025
2.1    Approved workplan, incorporating findings from the review under Deliverable 1, listing all the software development milestones to be completed during the assignment, including the accompanying timeline.

2.2    CPDMIS’ development criteria and standards, including identification of data classification, functions, data privacy and system security measures, and software programmes among others, to ensure they are in line with the MoEYS standards and processes for integration of the MIS systems
2.3    Monthly progress report on capacity building, system security, achievements, challenges, and recommendations for the next steps regarding development of a CPDMIS database utilizing the existing database from the HRMIS and creation of APIs to link CPDMIS to the HRMIS and training platform(s) of the MoEYS such as the Capacity Development Platform (CDP), Primary Learning Program (PLP), etc., in line with the approved CPDMIS development criteria and workplan

3.    Deliverable 3: By 5 July 2025
3.1    CPDMIS database established with data from the HRMIS and the CPD website migrated to CPDMIS and improved schema developed;
3.2    Monthly progress report on capacity building, system security, achievements, challenges, and recommendations for the next steps regarding enhancement of HRCPD functions and linkage of CPDMIS to the HRMIS and training platform(s) of the MoEYS, in line with the approved CPDMIS development criteria and workplan
4.    Deliverable 4: By 5 August 2025
4.1    CPD website interface improved for public users 
4.2    Monthly progress report on capacity building, system security, achievements, challenges, and recommendations for the next steps regarding enhancement of HRCPD functions and establishment of modules in the CPDMIS for management of the CPD and TCP systems and for reporting purposes based on those extracted from the HRMIS, in line with the approved CPDMIS development criteria and workplan
5.    Deliverable 5: By 5 September 2025
5.1    User rights at different levels of administration and management established and tested 


5.2    Monthly progress report on capacity building, system security, achievements, challenges, and recommendations for the next steps regarding stability and functionality of the modules established in the CPDMIS, in line with the approved CPDMIS development criteria and workplan

6.    Deliverable 6: By 5 October 2025
6.1    Tested and functional TCP module added to the CPDMIS 
6.2    Draft version of the materials prepared for a workshop to consult the new functions added to the CPDMIS and HRCPD
6.3    Monthly progress report on capacity building, system security, achievements, challenges, and recommendations for the next steps regarding enhancement of HRCPD functions and linkage of CPDMIS to the HRMIS and training platform(s) of the MoEYS, in line with the approved CPDMIS development criteria and workplan

10.    Deliverable 10: By 13 February 2026
10.1    Final report summarising tasks undertaken and completed in line with the responsibilities under III.1-2 and recommendations for further enhancement and rollout of the CPDMIS and HRCPD
10.2    Complete dossier containing source code, system documentation, and updated user manual(s) developed during the consultancy

V.    Contract duration, location and other conditions
The duration of the contract will be for a period of 10 months, from April 2025 to February 2026, during which the Individual Consultant is expected to work full time. The Individual Consultant is expected to be based at the MoEYS, with the possibility of working from the UNESCO Phnom Penh Office for coordination with the STEPCam programme team as requested by the Programme Manager. The Consultant is expected to undertake missions to the provinces outside of Phnom Penh across Cambodia. 
The Individual Consultant will be responsible for their necessary tools, equipment (laptop, printer, etc.) and software to complete the assignment. For work sessions at the MoEYS, the MoEYS will provide a working space and access to the internet, printer and LCD projector.

VI.    Required qualifications and experience 

•    A relevant university degree in information systems, computer science, and/or information technology
Professional experience
•    At least 5 years of experience in development of enterprise information systems
•    At least 3 years of experience in PHP framework Laravel and MySQL
•    At least 3 years of experience in Dart Framework Flutter
•    Demonstrated experience in developing RESTful API and security
•    Proven development background with cited work examples
•    Demonstrated experience working with government counterparts, development partners and educational institutions
•    Demonstrated experience with Web security
•    Experience with following technology/tools is an advantage: CSS Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Json, React, Git (desirable)
Skills and competencies
•    Excellent planning, organization, coordination and monitoring skills
•    Excellent training and capacity building skills
•    Ability to take initiative, establish priorities and capacity to work efficiently under deadlines
•    Ability to work in a multicultural team to achieve shared objectives
•    Good understanding of management information systems in education (desirable)

Language skills
•    Effective verbal and written English language skills
•    Native proficiency in verbal and written Khmer language skills

Desirable qualifications
•    Work experience: More than 7 years of professional experience in development of enterprise information systems
•    Experience working with the UN, and knowledge of UN regulations and guidelines

VII.    How to apply
Interested candidates are kindly requested to click on “Apply Now”, then download and complete the Employment History Form (Word file). At the end of the Word file, the candidate must insert extra pages with the following required information in English:
(Please note UNESCO cannot consider an incomplete proposal that does not include the following information requested.)
1.    Curriculum Vitae or Resume 
2.    Technical proposal (3 pages maximum) explaining the methodology for undertaking the assignment
3.    Financial proposal, indicating a monthly rate (in US$), to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a monthly rate will not be considered.
4.    The contact details of three referees
If you are unable to attach requirements in the system, please inform us at

VIII.    Selection and recruitment process 
Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application and provide complete and accurate information. To apply, please visit the UNESCO careers website. No modifications can be made to the application submitted.
The evaluation of candidates is based on the criteria in the vacancy notice, and may include tests and/or assessments, as well as a competency-based interview. 
UNESCO uses communication technologies such as video or teleconference, e-mail correspondence, etc. for the assessment and evaluation of candidates.
Please note that only selected candidates will be further contacted and candidates in the final selection step will be subject to reference checks based on the information provided.