National Project Officer (Education) - NOC
Numéro du poste : 6NPED1200PA
Classe : NO-C
Secteur de tutelle : Secteur de l'éducation (ED)
Lieu d'affectation: Guinea-Bissau
Famille d'emplois: Éducation
Type de contrat : Engagements au titre d’un projet
Durée du contrat : 1 année
Recrutement ouvert à : Candidats internes et externes
Clôture des candidatures (minuit heure de Paris) : 27-Mar-2025
Valeurs fondamentales de l’UNESCO : Engagement envers l’Organisation, intégrité, respect de la diversité, professionnalisme
1 year contract with the possibility of extension subject to the availability of funds and satisfactory performance.
Only nationals of Guinea- Bissau can apply for this position.
Under the overall authority of the Assistant Director-General for Education (ADG/ED), the functional authority of the Director, the Head of the Education Section and the Responsible for the Skills For Life And Work Cluster of the UNESCO Multi-sectoral Regional Office for West Africa (UNESCO Dakar), and the direct supervision of the DIRECT Project Manager, the Project Officer will be based in Guinea-Bissau and will oversee the day-to-day implementation of the "Développement, Insertion et Renforcement des Compétences Techniques (DIRECT)" project in Guinea-Bissau. Specific responsibilities include:
Ensure the implementation of the DIRECT project in Guinea-Bissau to advance skills development, prioritizing expanded access to TVET, while also supporting TVET development in rural areas through the use of national languages and digital technology
• Propose and organize support activities for ministerial departments, TVET centers and relevant stakeholders to achieve high-quality objectives and results in line with the established workplan.
• Draw up the programmer’s activity and progress reports in accordance with the required specifications
• Ensure the mobilization of partners and the development of partnerships, particularly financial partnerships, around the programme
• Ensure that the project is implemented in line with the activities of UNESCO's Education programme as a whole, in particular those relating to TVET and to lifelong learning.
Support the monitoring and evaluation of project implementation and reporting on project activities
• Monitor the financial status of the project in regular basis and promptly suggesting budget revisions if needed.
• Prepare, conduct, and follow up on meetings with project stakeholders in regular basis, preparing their minutes and action plans with a clear division of responsibility and timeframe.
• Ensure the preparation of reports on project activities for UNESCO, the donor, and partners.
• Compile and organize quantitative and qualitative information to support the team or responsible officer in carrying out monitoring and evaluation efforts and reporting on progress
• Contribute to the implementation of the communication and visibility plan of the project in close coordination with the Communication and Outreach Officer at UNESCO Dakar.
• Participate in the dissemination of the project's results and knowledge products through various channels, such as workshops, webinars, and publications, and ensuring that the information is accessible and usable by the project's stakeholders.
Policy Advice and Technical Assistance
• Provide technical backstop to key stakeholders and implementing partners on activities related to access to training and skills development and to strengthening the professional skills of people in rural areas by using national languages and digital technology.
• Support the Ministry of National Education (Ministério da Educação nacional - MEN), the Ministry of Public Administration, Work, Employment and Social Security (Ministério da Administração Pública, Trabalho, Emprego e Segurança Social - MAPTESS) and other implementing agencies in developing a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress and outcomes of the project, ensuring that the indicators are relevant, valid, reliable, and aligned with the project's objectives and the country's priorities.
• Support the Ministry of National Education (Ministério da Educação nacional - MEN), the Ministry of Public Administration, Work, Employment and Social Security (Ministério da Administração Pública, Trabalho, Emprego e Segurança Social - MAPTESS) and implementing agencies on the design and implementation of innovative approaches and interventions to enhance access to TVET and to strengthen the competencies of people in rural areas by using national languages and digital technologies.
• Mobilize UNESCO’s entities, including UNESCO HQ, UNESCO Dakar, IIEP-UNESCO Dakar and UNESCO-UNEVOC, in support of the DIRECT project implementation.
Contribute to the achievement of SDG4 at national level and to the sharing of good practice at regional and international levels
• Capitalise on the successful experiences of the DIRECT project and share these experiences and good practices so that they can be replicated and contextualised in other countries in the West Africa region, in other countries on the African continent and beyond.
• Contribute to regional, continental and international programmes related to TVET, lifelong learning and the integration of national languages in education in which Guinea Bissau is a stakeholder.
• Contribute to analytical and situational reports at regional, continental and international level in relation to TVET, lifelong learning and the integration of national languages in education by sharing existing data and Guinea Bissau experience.
COMPETENCES (Fondamentales / Managériales)
• Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in the field of education, engineering, social sciences or closely related field(s).
Work Experience
• Minimum 4 years of progressively responsible relevant professional experience in technical assistance and project implementation in the field of education, training or skills development.
• Experience in issues related to TVET, skills development and lifelong learning.
• Experience in implementing projects and programmes with government and civil society partners.
Skills and Competencies
• Excellent project management skills and ability to coordinate a complex project.
• Ability to make technically sound advice on all aspects of project implementation.
• Sound political judgment with the ability to inform decision-making.
• Ability to provide upstream policy advice at highest levels.
• Ability to work in a multicultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships, both within and outside the Organization.
• Ability to demonstrate gender-sensitive and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes.
• Excellent communication skills, both written and oral.
• Strong IT skills.
• Excellent knowledge (written and spoken) of Portuguese and working proficiency in French and/or in English.
• Specialization in technical and vocational education and training, skills development, agricultural development, blue economy, and/or labor market and employment.
Work Experience
• Work experience in issues related to non-formal education and the integration of national languages in education.
• Work experience in EU funded project implementation.
• Work experience of integrating ICT in education.
Skills and Competencies
• Good knowledge of programming policies and procedures in the field of international development cooperation, particularly within the United Nations system in Guinea Bissau
• Excellent ability to present effectively to a diverse audience
• Advanced computer skills.
Les salaires de l'UNESCO se composent d'un salaire de base et d'autres avantages qui peuvent inclure, le cas échéant : 30 jours de congé annuel, allocation familiale, assurance médicale, régime de retraite, etc.
Le traitement annuel de départ pour ce poste est de l’ordre de 19 150 000 CFA.
Pour plus d'informations sur les salaires et indemnités, veuillez consulter notre Guide sur les salaires et indemnités au personnel.
Veuillez noter que tous les candidats doivent remplir une demande en ligne et fournir des informations complètes et exactes. Pour postuler, veuillez visiter le site Web de l'UNESCO carrières. Aucune modification ne peut être apportée à la candidature soumise.
L'évaluation des candidats est basée sur les critères de l’avis de vacance de poste et peut inclure des tests et/ou des évaluations, ainsi qu'un entretien basé sur les compétences.
L'UNESCO utilise des technologies de communication telles que la vidéo ou la téléconférence, la correspondance par e-mail, etc. pour l'évaluation des candidats.
Veuillez noter que seuls les candidats sélectionnés seront contactés et que les candidats à l'étape de sélection finale seront soumis à une vérification des références sur la base des informations fournies.
L’UNESCO rappelle que la considération dominante dans le recrutement du personnel doit être la nécessité d’assurer à l’Organisation les services de personnes possédant les plus hautes qualités de travail, de compétence et d’intégrité. L’UNESCO applique une politique de tolérance zéro à l’égard de toute forme de harcèlement. L’UNESCO s’est engagée à atteindre et à maintenir une répartition géographique équitable et diversifiée, ainsi que la parité des genres parmi les membres de son personnel dans toutes les catégories et à tous les niveaux. En outre, l’UNESCO est résolue à atteindre une diversité de personnel sur le plan du genre, de la nationalité et de la culture. Les candidatures de ressortissants d’États membres non et sous-représentés (veuillez cliquer ici pour la dernière mise à jour) sont particulièrement bienvenues et vivement encouragées. Les personnes issues de groupes minoritaires et de groupes autochtones, ainsi que les personnes handicapées, sont également encouragées à postuler. Toutes les candidatures seront traitées avec la plus grande confidentialité. Une mobilité mondiale est requise pour les membres du personnel nommés sur des postes internationaux.
L’UNESCO ne prend de frais à aucune étape du recrutement.
Veuillez noter que l'UNESCO est une organisation non-fumeurs.